L’Azienda Agricola Valcannetta è il connubio perfetto fra tradizione e innovazione; il luogo magico in cui sapere antico, passione e rispetto della Natura si uniscono per dare vita a prodotti biologici certificati di alta qualità il cui sapore autentico e genuino è in grado di portare nelle nostre tavole i sapori di “una volta”, quelli dei nostri nonni

How to recognize high-quality oil
The quality of extra virgin olive oil depends on many factors that affect it throughout production stages, on the choice of ideal olives, the degree of their ripening, on the way the olive is extracted and on terms and methods of storage. Everything is a part of the oil, and everything determines the final product and its quality. Olive oil should have an intensive taste, you should feel the taste of olives, as well as a more or less intensive presence of bitterness and spice. As already mentioned, the spice is a part of the extra virgin oil as well as polyphenols that are found inside of it.
Polyphenols what are they? Powerful natural antioxidants, polyphenols are the biochemical molecules that are found in the pulp of the olive oil "Moraiolo" and reach the peak at the right degree of ripeness of healthy fruits.
Due to a careful collection process and modern extraction methods, the polyphenols are transferred to the oil and perform important functions for our health.
* They fight “bad " cholesterol, maintaining normal function of the cardiovascular system
* they prevent cellular aging, protecting the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals and reducing the risk of degenerative pathologies and diseases of the nervous system
* fight against the formation of cancer cells
* they protect our body from external agents, acting as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-allergic and antibacterial means
Polyphenols what are they? Powerful natural antioxidants, polyphenols are the biochemical molecules that are found in the pulp of the olive oil "Moraiolo" and reach the peak at the right degree of ripeness of healthy fruits.
Due to a careful collection process and modern extraction methods, the polyphenols are transferred to the oil and perform important functions for our health.
* They fight “bad " cholesterol, maintaining normal function of the cardiovascular system
* they prevent cellular aging, protecting the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals and reducing the risk of degenerative pathologies and diseases of the nervous system
* fight against the formation of cancer cells
* they protect our body from external agents, acting as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-allergic and antibacterial means

Polyphenols what are they? Powerful natural antioxidants, polyphenols are the biochemical molecules that are found in the pulp of the olive oil "Moraiolo" and reach the peak at the right degree of ripeness of healthy fruits.
Due to a careful collection process and modern extraction methods, the polyphenols are transferred to the oil and perform important functions for our health.
* They fight “bad " cholesterol, maintaining normal function of the cardiovascular system
* they prevent cellular aging, protecting the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals and reducing the risk of degenerative pathologies and diseases of the nervous system
* fight against the formation of cancer cells
* they protect our body from external agents, acting as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-allergic and antibacterial means
Due to a careful collection process and modern extraction methods, the polyphenols are transferred to the oil and perform important functions for our health.
* They fight “bad " cholesterol, maintaining normal function of the cardiovascular system
* they prevent cellular aging, protecting the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals and reducing the risk of degenerative pathologies and diseases of the nervous system
* fight against the formation of cancer cells
* they protect our body from external agents, acting as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-allergic and antibacterial means